Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rocket Spanish Review — Don't Buy It Until You Read This

Hi! My name is Nabil and I cannot imagine what it's like giving dishonest reviews about products. I've stumbled upon so many biased rocket spanish reviews on the web that I've chosen to publish one myself. I'm telling you — do not buy Rocket Spanish before you read this whole thing. Trust me.


rocket spanish review
Rocket Spanish, simply put, is a Spanish Course built by a company that goes by the name of Rocket Languages. The company is one of the worldwide leaders when it comes to teaching people a new language (in this case, Spanish) with the help of their computer.

Rocket Spanish claims you'll both be speaking and writing the language fluently in 8 weeks or less. I've gone through the course myself, and although I think it's good, I'm not entirely convinced that you'll be able to both speak and write in Spanish in less than 8 weeks. The writing part may be true, but not the speaking part. To learn how to speak Spanish, and to really start speaking Spanish fluently - you'll have to put in a little more time. Or just simply travel to Spain or any other Spanish speaking country.

There's been a lot of buzz surrounding the Rocket Spanish course lately. And since I speak Spanish fluently I decided to review Rocket Spanish and even create a site about it. That's how bad I wanted to see the course deliver.


The course has two different paths to consider. There's the Premium Course and the Plus Course. Both are available on Rocket Spanish's website. Below I will highlight the differences of the paths.

The Premium Course has 32 interactive audio sections, the MegaSpanish software program, a forum and a secret bonus. The Plus Course has an additional 28 audio tracks with transcripts and 28 illustrated grammar and cultural lessons.

The audio lessons in Rocket Spanish make it twice as easy to learn Spanish. The audio lessons are uniquely themed — a lot like the Spanish courses you took in high school. Remember each chapter had a different theme? So does Rocket Spanish. And the speakers are so easy to listen to.


I want you to know one thing before you buy Rocket Spanish — learning a language is difficult. It doesn't simply happen "just like that" — you actually have to put in some effort. No matter what language you're trying to learn. Never forget - you had to take 2 years of language in high school!

With Rocket Spanish I'm confident that you'll be able to write pretty well in 8 weeks or less. As for the talking, it's different from person to person. My honest suggestion would be for you travel to a Spanish speaking country. Because that is how you truly learn a language.


I throughly liked the Rocket Spanish Course. It was pretty simple to browse and the lessons are more often than not pretty short. I have no doubt that you'll be able to learn Spanish quickly with this course.


Keyword(s): rocket spanish review, rocket spanish reviewhttp://nabsreviews.com/rocketspanishhttp://nabsreviews.com/rocketspanish